Resetting user passwords in Mac OS X Leopard without Administrator

For those odd times where you need to reset the password for a user on a Mac (OS X 10.5 Leopard) and you don’t have access to the / an administrator account, this is a procedure that will work if you have physical access to the system and can reboot it. No boot DVD is needed if you can boot the system off the internal hard disk.

We boot into single user mode off the internal hard disk, then reset the target user password.

  1. Boot into single user mode (press Command-S at power on)
  2. Check the root filesystem first
    fsck -fy
  3. Mount up the root filesystem
    mount -uw /
  4. Load system directory services
    launchctl load /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/
  5. Edit user information
    dscl . -passwd /Users/username password (replace username with the targeted user and password with the new password)
  6. Reboot then sign in with the new password.

Phishing attacks getting better .. iTunes Receipts

So I get a call this morning from a family member who is freaking out over a six hundred dollar iTunes invoice. Fortunately I knew this person didn't have an iTunes account (they use mine), so I knew right away it was a fraud. On inspecting the invoice, there were so few errors it's chilling. If this had of been an invoice from the (Acme Widget Company) that I do have an account with .. it's possible it may have worked. 

This is particularly evil, since it's associated with the Zeus trojan that steals banking credentials

The quality of phishing emails have dramatically improved as the quality assurance by malware miscreants improves. 

iTunes phish

On closer inspection, there were three very subtle errors made on this iTunes phishing attack:

  1. No street address was shown.  iTunes receipts always have your street address listed and spamming dirt bags don't have that (we hope).
  2. Receipts (that I've paid attention to) come with an American style date format .. month / day / year.  Canadian or European formats are typically day / month / year or year / month / day.  This one is  day / month / year.
  3. Modern corporate invoicing systems don't include leading zeros. Also the quantity and dollar amounts don't add up.

Every web hyper-link in this invoice except for the Apple Store Support and the Apple Legal links point to a non-Apple site.  All the links in iTunes invoices point to Apple.  In this case, the infected domain was . This is particularly evil, since it's associated with the Zeus trojan that steals banking credentials. Bogus LinkedIn invites have also been confirmed to be coming from the Zeus botnet.

We still need to stay awake to the attacks by these malware miscreants, because they are getting better by the month.

Security tools

This is a (non-comprehensive) list of the various security tools I have used. I started this list to keep track of tools that I've tried out and the level of satisfaction with them. Obviously there are hundreds of tools that any IT security professional uses throughout their career, so I'm just starting to put down the most recent, interesting or particularly effective. As I have time, I'll update and add comments/reviews/examples as well as break this into categories as the list grows.

Assessment / Attack Tools

Web Application Attack and Audit Framework (w3af)

IBM Rational AppScan

Samurai Web Testing Framework

Visualization Tools

SecViz Security Visualization (davix)

Password Tools



V3RITY Oracle Database Forensics (  – "V3RITY is a tool that can be used in an Oracle forensics investigation of a suspected breach. It is the first of its kind and is currently in the beta stages of development."

w3af web security assessment tool gets support from Rapid7

Rapid7, which purchased the Metasploit attack framework last year, has agreed to sponsor the open source w3af web assessment and exploit project. This is fantastic news for web application development teams, since it shows the open source (and hence more affordable) tools they can use to improve the security of their applications are maturing.

Websites like maintain lists of various security tools and point to numerous open source web application fuzzing and testing tools, including BurpSuite, Nikto, WebScarab, Whisker and Wikto. Although each of the open source tools I use have various strengths, w3af is IMHO the first reasonable challenger to commercial web application testing tools like IBM’s AppScan.

Can we please get rid of bad input validation errors now??

For a commercial IT security professional that wants to help an internal web application development team improve the security of their applications, tools like IBM’s AppScan and Acunetix WVS can save valuable time by generating reports that include not only the vulnerable URI but also include vulnerability background information (CVSS, OWASP, WASC), the specific HTTP request/response strings and suggested code fixes. This is particularly valuable to a security architect or operations role that is pressed for time (an army of one anyone?).

The w3af support from Rapid7 will enable this excellent tool to mature more quickly and improves the capability for any web development team, regardless of funding, to improve their security. Can we please get rid of bad input validation errors now?? My recent thesis illustrated the downright depressing numbers of SQL injection flaws that continue to exist. With tools like w3af, there is no excuse left for web developers to press applications into production with these injection flaws that are trivial to avoid. At the very least a survey of the NIST National Vulnerability Database does show the number of SQL injection flaws starting to drop. Unfortunately they still substantially outnumber traditional memory corruption flaws such as buffer overflows.

Explosion of SQL buffer errors

Explosion of SQL buffer errors

As you can see, the story up to 2008 was pretty grim for web applications – SQL injection flaws increased by over 1,500% in the same time buffer overflow errors increased by just over 500%.

Although it looks like there has been a reversal of the shocking explosion of SQL injection flaws, the sheer volume of these web application flaws is astonishing .. especially since injection flaws have been around for about 10 years. Not exactly a problem that has recently snuck up on us.

Web developers that still turn out applications that contain SQL or command injection errors and most cross site request forgery errors are simply guilty of gross negligence.

Despite the web development industry knowing these errors exist and good developers designing and coding to avoid these issues, there is still a need to build sufficient forensics around externally facing (publicly accessible) applications to enable reconstruction of attacks. In my next post, I outline a summary of my thesis “Effective SQL injection attack reconstruction using network recording”.

Resetting WordPress user passwords

Resetting WordPress 3.0 user passwords can be done directly within MySQL through the following procedure.  This assumes your installation of WordPress stores user passwords in the wp_users table as MD5 hashes and the unique site prefix for all WordPress tables in MySQL is _x.

Connect to the database via your favorite GUI (phpMyAdmin, Navicat) or command line with either the WordPress role account or any other MySQL user account with select and update privileges on the WordPress database:

update wp_x_users set user_pass = MD5('123abc890') where user_login = 'administrator';

This will update the password for user ‘administrator’ to ‘123abc890’.  Once this has completed, either flush the wp_x_users table or exit the tool used to access the database to cause the updates to be committed.  Sign into WordPress with the new password and optionally change the password via the user interface.

How to secure your home PC

Whether you have a Mac or a Windows PC, there are some basic steps you can take to reduce the risk and personal impact of a malware infection.  This advise is especially impactful when you have just purchased a new Mac or Windows system. There are several steps that you can take to protect your new investment and more importantly your information. In the following detail, I mainly focus on Windows as that’s the main technology that my non-IT type friends ask about.

Basically what you should be doing is:

  1. Ensure that a hardware firewall/router is in between the internet and the PC (I’ll just call it a firewall from now on)
    • Use a recognized brand name like Linksys, avoid the no-name generics as they often have bad defaults and don’t implement the stateful-packet-inspection that you want to filter out most of the cruft on the Internet from reaching your PC
  2. Ensure all default passwords on the firewall and PC have been changed
    • When you initially turn on the power to your PC and to your firewall, do NOT have them connected to your cable or DSL modem initially.  Do the setup of your firewall and PC first in order to ensure malware doesn’t have a chance to get at your shiny new PC before you’ve turned on the needed protection
    • Point a browser to your firewall (likely or and change the default administrator password.  This is very important, as some malware will seek out your firewall and try to use the manufacturer default password to change things like your DNS server settings – inserting the bad guys in between you and the rest of the Internet (eg. forcing your traffic to them first before it goes to your bank)
  3. All normal accounts used for day-to-day business on the computer should NOT have administrator privilege (see my post on running without admin privileges)
    • On Windows XP, Vista (and I think 7), the default “user” that accesses the PC has full administrative privilege, that enables software  installation and configuration changes.  This is very dangerous, as malware that you come in contact with from infected emails or websites use this privilege to install their spyware, keyloggers, backdoors and other nasty stuff on your PC – without your explicit permission
    • Set a password for your Administrator account
    • Create a new user right away, before you setup your email, music, photos, documents, etc; ensure that new user is NOT a Computer Administrator
    • Always login with this non-Administrator username for your day-to-day use; only use the Computer Administrator username for software installation and configuration changes.
  4. Never surf the Internet with an account that has administrative privilege
  5. If this is a common PC for a business, ensure employees accounts are individually assigned (if practical). Ensure those employee accounts are not administrators (unless there is a need and a high degree of trust)
  6. Run a good commercial anti-virus program with annual software support (or a subscription)
    • There are some good free AV packages (AVG, Clamwin, Avast) .. Google them for the links
    • Sophos makes a good Mac AV package .. yes, Macs are vulnerable to malware as well; it’s just not as prevalent
  7. Finally ensure regular (daily) backups are being run to protect your business, financial, customer information from loss if there is a problem with the PC
  8. For setup of your wireless access point (if you have one .. sometimes it’s built into the router/firewall)
    • Chose wireless encryption of at least WPA or WPA2 .. never use WEP or no encryption
    • There is no significant increase in security by obscuring your network name (SSID)
    • Don’t use any personally identifiable information in your network name

If you are unsure of how to do any of these steps, get one of your computer knowledgeable friends to help you.  Of course if you are purchasing a new system right now, I’d strongly recommend you check out Apple’s Mac products.  They’re not immune to malware, but the architecture and core are by design much less vulnerable to the types of malware that plague Windows.

Building a web security lab (with VMware Fusion)

Problem: VMware machines load boot loader immediately, no BIOS banner, so can’t get into BIOS to alter boot settings.
Solution: Edit the vm’s .vmx file and add the line:

bios.bootDelay = "5000"

which adds a 5000 millisecond (5 second) delay to the boot, or add:

bios.forceSetupOnce = "TRUE"

to make the VM enter the BIOS setup at the next boot.

Problem: VMware Fusion 3.0 doesn’t give a way to edit the virtual network settings via the GUI.
Solution: To change the subnet used by the NAT or HostOnly networks, go root in Mac OS X and edit

/Library/Application Support/VMware Fusion/networking

and set the following lines to the subnets desired:


To add additional custom isolated host only VLANs, also edit the networking file and add additional VNET definitions. There can apparently only be 8 VLANs with VLAN 1 and 8 already pre-defined.

answer VNET_2_DHCP no
answer VNET_3_DHCP no
answer VNET_4_DHCP no

Now create your vm with as many network interfaces as you have separate VLANs (vnet) then edit the node.vmx vm configuration file and change the interfacename.connectionType to custom, and define the VLAN (vnet) that interface will attach to:

#ethernet0.connectionType = "nat"
ethernet0.connectionType = "custom"
ethernet0.vnet = "vmnet3"

Also realize that VMware will take the .1 host address on each vmnet – so you cannot assign .1 to any of your VMs.

Problem: Ubuntu 9.10 persistent network configuration (stores the MAC address of network adapters), so if you copy a machine, by default Ubuntu will setup a new logical adapter (eth1) since the MAC address has changed (when you answer I Copied It in VMware).
Solution: Tell VMware you copied the machine, so it will chose a unique MAC address. Boot Ubuntu into single user mode (another article on that to follow) then edit the MAC address associated with eth0.

sudo vi /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules

find the stanza of the network interface in question (NAME=”eth0″) and set the following ATTR tag to the new MAC address:


Electronic Health Records in Alberta

Thinking of the challenges associated with creating electronic healthcare records for all healthcare users in Alberta. Typical government projects don’t have the best track record for maintaining proper security architecture, much less implementation. Starting to dig into this for my next paper, and I’m somewhat underwhelmed with what I see. Do we have a choice to opt out? Is there any way to ensure our health records don’t get compromised and exposed publicly? I guess I’ll be searching for some answers.

Sifting through Checkpoint FW1 logs

Recently I found myself in the unhappy position of needing to sift through slightly more than a billion Checkpoint Firewall-1 log lines, looking for specific patterns of access. The problem was that many of the exported fwm log files had differing column positions and there had been many ruleset changes over the course of 11 months worth of log data. Many of the excellent FW1 log summarization tools (such as Peter Sundstrom’s fwlogsum) didn’t handle the hundreds of files and differing column positions.

The final scripted solution was processing over 11,000 lines/second .. and still took over 23 hours for the first run.

Log file exports via fwm logexport can have variable column positioning, except for record ID number “num”, which is *always* column number one.  I see three viable alternatives to the changing column position in the ASCII log files exported via fwm – so we can automate the log processing:

  • Export the FW1 log file to ASCII via
    fwm logexport -i fw1-binary-logfile -o fw1-ascii-logfile.txt -n -p
    1. Parse the header line (line #1) of every log file and dynamically map (rearrange) the columns to a pre-determined standard in memory before further processing (painful, expensive)
    2. Tell Checkpoint fwm to export in a fixed column ordering
        and place in
        $FWDIR/conf directory
        eg. fwmgmtsrv:
        included_fields = num,date,time,orig,origin_id,type,action,alert,i/f_name,
        dstname,SOAP Method,category,ICMP,message_info,
        TCP flags,rpc_prog,Total logs,
        Suppressed logs,DCE-RPC Interface UUID,Packet info,
    3. Use OPSEC LEA tools to extract event log records instead of export via fwm logexport

    Once the ASCII log files are available for processing, my script can be used to find complex patterns of interest.  Any matching records found by fw1logsearch will be output with an initial FW1 header line so that fw1logsearch can be used iteratively, to build very complex search criteria.  fw1logsearch can also write out a discard file allowing completely negative logic searches resulting in 100% of the input data separated into a match file and a didn’t match file.  Some examples of how I’ve used it are shown here:

    gunzip -c fwlogs/2009*gz | \ --allinclude \
    -S '10\.1\.1[1359]\.|10\.2\.1[01]\.|192\.168\.2[245]\.' \
    -d '10\.1\.1[1359]\.|10\.2\.1[01]\.|192\.168\.2[245]\.' \
    -p '^1310$|^1411$|^1812$|^455' | \ -S '192\.168\.22\.14$|10\.2\.11\.12$' |\ --allexclude \
    -S '^192\.168\.24\.12$' -P '^1310$' --rejectfile 192-168-24-12-port-1310.txt

    Line by line:
    1. Unzip the compressed ASCII log files, feed them to the first instance of
    2. First fw1logsearch – all conditions must be true for any events to match
    Source address must NOT be in any of the following regex ranges:
    10.1.11.* 10.1.13.* 10.1.15.* 10.1.19.*
    10.2.10.* 10.2.11.*
    192.168.22.* 192.168.24.* 192.168.25.*
    Destination address must be in one of the same following regex ranges.
    Service (destination port) must be one of:
    Exactly port: 1310, 1411, 1812, or any port starting with 455
    No protocol is specified, so it will match either TCP or UDP will output any matching events to stdout, including a FW1 log header line, so the next instance of continues filtering the result set.

    3. The second specifies Source Address must not be any of the following

    4. The last excludes port 1310 from, and puts all those records into a separate reject file, while writing the other records to stdout.

    This script has been used to process over 4 billion records within the project I wrote it for – and precisely found all the use of particular business cases I needed to modify.  The result was zero outages and no unintended business interruption.

    Basic syntax/help file:

    [-a|–incaction|-A|–excaction <action regex>]
    [-p|–incservice|-P|–excservice <dst port regex>]
    [-b|–incs_port|-B|–excs_port <src port regex>]
    [-s|–incsrc|-S|–excsrc <src regex>]
    [-d|–incdst|-D|–excdst <dst regex>]
    [-o|–incorig|-O|–excorig <fw regex>]
    [-r|–incrule|-R|–excrule <rule-number regex>]
    [-t|–incproto|-T|–excproto <proto regex>]

    [–dnscache <dns-cache-file>]
    [–rejectfile <file>]
    [–debug <level>] will search a fwm logexport text file for regex patterns specified for supported columns (such as service, src, dst, rule, action, proto and orig).

    Include and exclude regex matches may be specified on the same line, although they both will include (print) a line or exclude (reject) a line based on single matches.  Allinclude or Allexclude must be specified to force a match
    only on all specified column regex patterns.

    Regex patterns can be enclosed with single quotes to include characters that are special to the shell, such as the ‘or’ (|) operator.

    Header will be output only if there are any matching lines.

    Example invocations:
    $ cat 2008-07-07*txt | \ \
    -p ’53|domain’ \
    -d ‘|host1||host2’ \
    -o ‘||’ \
    -S ‘||10.10.*|192.168.*’ \
    Will require destination port (service) to be 53, destination IP to be any of, host1,, or host2  the reporting firewall (origin) to be any of,, or  and the source IP must not be
    any of,, 10.10.*, or 192.168.*  Any lines that match this criteria, will display and the orig, src, and dst columns will use the default DNS cache file (dynamically built/managed) to perform name resolution, replacing the IP addresses where possible.

    Include regex patterns:
    -a  –incaction    Rule action (accept, deny)
    -b  –incs_port    Source port (s_port)
    -p  –incservice   Destination port (service)
    -s  –incsrc       Source IP|hostname
    -d  –incdst       Destination IP|hostname
    -o  –incorig      Reporting FW IP|hostname
    -r  –incrule      Rule number that triggered entry
    -t  –incproto     Protocol of connection

    Exclude regex patterns:
    -A  –excaction    Rule action (accept, deny)
    -B  –excs_port    Source port (s_port)
    -P  –excservice   Destination port (service)
    -S  –excsrc       Source IP|hostname
    -D  –excdst       Destination IP|hostname
    -O  –excorig      Reporting FW IP|hostname
    -R  –excrule      Rule number that triggered entry
    -T  –excproto     Protocol of connection

    Other options:
    –debug {level} Turn on debugging
    –dnscache      Specify location of DNS cache file to be used with
    the Resolve IPs option
    –resolveip     Resolve IPs for orig, src, and dst columns AFTER filtering
    –rejectfile    Write out all rejected lines to a specified file


    Info Sec and IT Sec books and articles of interest

    Start of my InfoSec article journal and book list

    Not really blog worthy, but I decided to start a journal of interesting information security articles or books that I’ve found to be particularly valuable. Not all of them are publicly available, but where I can, I’ll add some links. Really this is just a list of my dog-eared books in no particular order. (-:


    Security Controls That Work; Information Systems Control Journal; Volume 4, 2007

    Information Security Standards Foucs on the Existence of Process, Not Its Content; Communications of the ACM; August 2006, Volume 49, Number 8

    FrankenSOA; Network Computing; 06/25/07; Page 41


    Chris McNab, Network Security Assessment, Sebastapol, CA: O’Reilly Media, Inc., 2004 – Describes a technical assessment methodology which can be used to understand the “threats, vulnerabilities, and exposures modern public networks face.”

    Andrew Jaquith, Security Metrics: Replacing Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Addison-Wesley, 2007 – Information security has been largely justified by fear over the last many years. This book is the single best book I have seen yet which provides a pragmatic guide to using effective metrics in infosec programs and communication with stakeholders. I think that organizations which adopt this type of approach will fare well when infosec spending starts to level off or dry up.

    Stephen Northcut, Lenny Zeltser, Scott Winters, Karen Kent & Ronald Ritchey, Inside Network Perimeter Security, Indianapolis, Indiana: Sams Publishing, 2005 – excellent multi-layer book which describes appropriate techniques to layer differing strategies together to provide stronger perimeter defense
    .  “Defense in depth is a primary focus of this book, and the concept is quite
    simple: Make it harder to attack at chokepoint after chokepoint.”