Outbound network traffic with multiple interfaces

Why does Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 invalidate / discard packets when the route for outbound traffic differs from the route of incoming traffic?

Issue Description
Why does Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 invalidate / discard packets when the route for outbound traffic differs from the route of incoming traffic?
Why does Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 differ from Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 in handling asymmetrically routed packets?

Solution posted at access.redhat.com/site/solutions/53031

Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 6 Resolution

Temporary change
To accept asymmetrically routed (outgoing routes and incoming routes are different) packets set “rp_filter” to 2 and restart networking, by running the following commands:

echo 2 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/default/rp_filter
echo 2 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/rp_filter

Persistent change
To make this behaviour persistent across reboots, modify /etc/sysctl.conf and make the following change prior to reboot:

net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter = 2

Root Cause

RHEL6 (unlike RHEL5) defaults to using ‘Strict’ Reverse Path Forwarding (RPF) filtering.

The sysctl net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter selects the default RPF filtering setting for IPv4 networking. (It can be overridden per network interface through net.ipv4.interfacename.rp_filter).

Both RHEL6 and RHEL5 ship with a default /etc/sysctl.conf that sets this sysctl to 1, but the meaning of this value is different between the RHEL6 and the RHEL5 kernel.

How to reset the enable password on a Cisco ASA 5505

How to reset the enable password on an ASA 5505:

The following procedure worked for me to reset the enable password.

Connect to serial port – typically 9600,8,N,1.  On my MacBook Pro, I use a Keyspan USB-Serial adapter, so my command line is:

screen /dev/tty.USA19Hfd13P1.1 9600,8

You can eventually use <ctrl-A><ctrl-\> to kill the screen session.

Power on the device.
When it prompts to interrupt boot sequence, do so (press ESC).

It should prompt

rommon #0>

Type in:
rommon #0> confreg

Should show something like:

Current Configuration Register: 0×00000001
Configuration Summary:
boot default image from Flash

Do you wish to change this configuration? y/n [n]:

Press n (don’t change)

We can have the ASA boot a default config with no password by setting register flags 0×41, so do this:

rommon #2> confreg 0×41
rommon #2> reboot

You now can login as the password has been removed (use <return> as the password).  Be sure to set the enable password with:

config t
enable password new-password-here
config-register 0x1

Ensure you either use the config-register command or interrupt the boot sequence again and reset the boot flags back to 0x1, otherwise the boot loader will continue to boot the default configuration – ignoring your configuration.


How to secure your home PC

Whether you have a Mac or a Windows PC, there are some basic steps you can take to reduce the risk and personal impact of a malware infection.  This advise is especially impactful when you have just purchased a new Mac or Windows system. There are several steps that you can take to protect your new investment and more importantly your information. In the following detail, I mainly focus on Windows as that’s the main technology that my non-IT type friends ask about.

Basically what you should be doing is:

  1. Ensure that a hardware firewall/router is in between the internet and the PC (I’ll just call it a firewall from now on)
    • Use a recognized brand name like Linksys, avoid the no-name generics as they often have bad defaults and don’t implement the stateful-packet-inspection that you want to filter out most of the cruft on the Internet from reaching your PC
  2. Ensure all default passwords on the firewall and PC have been changed
    • When you initially turn on the power to your PC and to your firewall, do NOT have them connected to your cable or DSL modem initially.  Do the setup of your firewall and PC first in order to ensure malware doesn’t have a chance to get at your shiny new PC before you’ve turned on the needed protection
    • Point a browser to your firewall (likely or and change the default administrator password.  This is very important, as some malware will seek out your firewall and try to use the manufacturer default password to change things like your DNS server settings – inserting the bad guys in between you and the rest of the Internet (eg. forcing your traffic to them first before it goes to your bank)
  3. All normal accounts used for day-to-day business on the computer should NOT have administrator privilege (see my post on running without admin privileges)
    • On Windows XP, Vista (and I think 7), the default “user” that accesses the PC has full administrative privilege, that enables software  installation and configuration changes.  This is very dangerous, as malware that you come in contact with from infected emails or websites use this privilege to install their spyware, keyloggers, backdoors and other nasty stuff on your PC – without your explicit permission
    • Set a password for your Administrator account
    • Create a new user right away, before you setup your email, music, photos, documents, etc; ensure that new user is NOT a Computer Administrator
    • Always login with this non-Administrator username for your day-to-day use; only use the Computer Administrator username for software installation and configuration changes.
  4. Never surf the Internet with an account that has administrative privilege
  5. If this is a common PC for a business, ensure employees accounts are individually assigned (if practical). Ensure those employee accounts are not administrators (unless there is a need and a high degree of trust)
  6. Run a good commercial anti-virus program with annual software support (or a subscription)
    • There are some good free AV packages (AVG, Clamwin, Avast) .. Google them for the links
    • Sophos makes a good Mac AV package .. yes, Macs are vulnerable to malware as well; it’s just not as prevalent
  7. Finally ensure regular (daily) backups are being run to protect your business, financial, customer information from loss if there is a problem with the PC
  8. For setup of your wireless access point (if you have one .. sometimes it’s built into the router/firewall)
    • Chose wireless encryption of at least WPA or WPA2 .. never use WEP or no encryption
    • There is no significant increase in security by obscuring your network name (SSID)
    • Don’t use any personally identifiable information in your network name

If you are unsure of how to do any of these steps, get one of your computer knowledgeable friends to help you.  Of course if you are purchasing a new system right now, I’d strongly recommend you check out Apple’s Mac products.  They’re not immune to malware, but the architecture and core are by design much less vulnerable to the types of malware that plague Windows.

High availability firewalls with OpenBSD, pf and CARP

One can now inexpensively build a fault tolerant firewall cluster that removes any single point of failure in the security policy enforcement points at your security zone boundaries. Synchronous firewall state table updates and an open source version of virtual router redundancy protocol (CARP) gives the ability to seamlessly insert or remove firewalls from a cluster. No more patching firewalls at 2am hoping for the best (or not patching because it’s too hard).


Soekris net5501 SBC Linux installation

Soekris Engineering net5501 SBC setup with Linux


net5501 is a x86 SBC that I ordered with 4 10/100 ethernet ports, 512MB memory, 500MHz Geode LX CPU

Serial console is used for setup of net5501 – BIOS writes to serial port since there is no xVGA port. <ctrl-p> to enter BIOS setup. DB9 pinout:

2 — 3

3 — 2

5 — 5

Use 19,200 bps 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop

With the Macbook Pro, I use a Keyspan USA-19HS USB <–> DB9 RS232 serial converter (and DB9-RJ45 adapters to implement the null modem configuration and allow me to use an ethernet cable for the serial console <–> Keyspan device.

On OS X (10.5) I use “screen” to provide the serial terminal interface:

$ screen /dev/tty.USA19H1a2P1.1 19200,8

<ctrl-a><ctrl-\> to exit

On the net5501 BIOS, PXEBoot is disabled:

set PXEBoot=Disabled

I setup voyage-0.5.0 on a compact flash card then installed the card into the net5501 – works great the first boot

Default root info: root / voyage

OpenBSD setup info:
